The reality of the ninja

When the war started, he was hired by a warlord and played an active role as a spouse. After completing his mission, he received a salary and went back to the practice of Shugendo.
Those who have completed their Shugendo training and do not practice Shugendo on a daily basis have to live the same life as entertainers, farmers, merchants, and other ordinary people so that they will never be remembered as ninjas.
A person who is mild-mannered, thick in righteousness, has little greed, prefers science, is correct in his actions, and is ungrateful was considered to be an element of the ninja.
A person of good health in mind and body with loyalty and intelligence.
It was said that the work of the ninja was without sound, without odor, without wisdom, without courage, but that their merits were as great as the creation of heaven and earth.
This is the way of life that the Japanese have lived since the Edo period (1603-1868), when they pushed themselves to the brink, endured, and gave up their loyalty to their master.