
In addition to the original mission of espionage and espionage, ninjutsu was intended to attack the enemy by force of arms.
However, the basics are the defensive martial arts of defending oneself, one’s family and one’s master.
Because of this, they invented many unique weapons to take away the enemy’s strength without attacking first, even if they met them.
There are schools of ninjutsu, such as “bone-jutsu” and “bone-hojutsu” that can kill a fierce beast with a single finger, and “nenryoku” that can drop a bird with a single glance.
In some schools, ninjutsu training involves walking 120-150 kilometers a day in nature, feeling the direction of the wind, running on ice with high clogs, filling a water vat with water and carrying it on a balance stick, and climbing up the trunk of a grove of trees.
After completing this practice, you will enter the more difficult jutsu practice.
In addition, knowledge of astronomy, geography, mathematics, and medicine was also required. They were considered to be skilled ninja only if they had physical skills and knowledge.