apart from the rank and file

Large groups such as the Iga and Koga ryu had three ranks.
jyounin : The head of a group, a daimyo, asks this shinobi to dispatch a ninja and pays him a salary.
cyunin: Assistant to the superior ninja.
genin: A so-called ninja who had to absolutely obey the orders of his superiors and risk his life to use the daimyo of the place where he was dispatched.
Parents, sons, and brothers had to fight without holding back, even if they were divided into enemies and allies. Because of the severe punishment, some of them quit in the middle of the game, but they were assassinated by their friends. With the strict discipline of “if you run, you’ll be killed”, he was desperate to get the job done.
Even if you are captured and tortured by the enemy, you must never confess and live to get to the enemy’s camp and report the situation. If he could not escape from his enemies, he broke his face and committed suicide in order not to make his identity known.